Benjamin Small
Benjamin Charles Small, son of Brad and Melissa Small of Sinking Spring, is a 2023 graduate of Wilson High School. Ben’s activities at Wilson include Marching Band (Drum Major), Jazz Band, Concert Choir and Concert Band, Orchestra, Select Choir, Wilson Theater Company, Wilson Theater Company pit orchestra, Wilson Media Productions, Ultimate Frisbee Club, the Lettuce Club, and National Honor Society. He also participated in Berks County and PMEA District Band, Chorus and Orchestra, PMEA Region Band and Chorus, PMEA All-State Band, and the NAfME All-National Honor Band. In addition to his musical endeavors, Small also earned the rank of Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America in May 2023. Ben designed his Eagle project as an instrument drive for Reading Musical Foundation’s “Operation Replay” program. Ben will attend the Eastman School of Music and major in Saxophone Performance.